Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Picasso I am not...

I'm so not Picasso.  I can't paint a painting for the life of me.  I've tried.  I can't draw either.  I've embraced the suck and just moved on.  But, I learned I can cheat and create art that sorta passes for a painting.  

I started with this great tool.  If you haven't used one of these I recommend you run, not walk, to fetch one.  It is the bees knees for sure!

Then I went to Michael's and purchased this.  I used the coupon I got on the Michael's IPhone App.  If you have an IPhone I recommend you get this app.  No more worrying with paper coupons.  Just pull it up on your phone and the cashier can scan it.  Easy peasy!

I cheated here too.  Instead of taking the time to paint this with paint and a brush I used the DIY Diva's best friend.  Spray Paint.  I used a $.97 can of black spray paint from the Lowe's.  Painted in minutes and dries just about as fast.  I did a whole bunch at one time.  Then I took my vinyl I cut with the Cameo and just stuck it to the canvas.  It doesn't really want to stick but with a little patience you can get it to.

I then took an assortment of natural sea sponges and Martha Stewart Crafts Acrylic Craft Paint in different colors and went to town.  I learned that if I didn't like it to just keep applying more paint in more colors.  I bet I used 10 different colors.  Sponge, sponge, sponge, add color, sponge, sponge, sponge, add color and so forth and so on.  I did this until I liked the way it looked and then peeled off the vinyl.  This is what I ended up with.

Not too shabby for the girl who isn't an artist.  I really liked it once I actually hung it on the wall.  Unfortunately I gave it to my sister-in-law before I could get a picture of it hanging.  I have another one all ready to paint just haven't gotten around to doing it.

So that's my cheater art.   Have you ever tried a painting like this?  If not I highly recommend it.  You might find you are an artist after all.

Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Quick as you can....

Recently while in Atlanta I was looking for something to pass the time and I found a yarn shop and picked up something to knit.   As usual, I couldn't stop after I knitted that yarn up.  Saturday I found a fabulous shop on the Square in Canton, MS.  P is for Primitive is a great store, and they are super helpful and friendly.  I picked this groovy yarn up and the owner showed me how to create something with it quick, quick, quick!

Trendsetter Yarn Bodega is this unique yarn and it comes in beautiful colors.  This color way is 418 Amazon Jungle.  My project is done with color way 414 Mardi Gras.

I used these size 15 needles to knit up my creation.  I usually prefer bamboo needles but my bamboo size 15 have another project on them so I used these.

After a really quick knitting session this scarf is what I created.  It's so fluffy I could die!  Okay not really, but I just love that quote from the movie Despicable Me.

This is a close up of the actual knitting in the scarf.  It goes so fast you wouldn't believe it.  I made this scarf in a couple of hours one afternoon.  I love any project that turns out beautifully in a short amount of time.  Such an instant gratification kinda girl.

Unfortunately it is already in the 80's here so I guess it will be a while before I get to wear this lovely.  None the less I really enjoyed making it.  As usual my ADD is at it again and I'm doing all kinds of projects.  Did you get any projects finished recently even if it's something you won't be using for a while?

Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Forever and a Day!

Good Lord it's been forever and a day since I posted anything.  A month is way to much stuff to cover in one post so I'll just say sorry and move on.  I don't know what I've done the last month other than obviously not post.  I have done a couple of little projects that I'll post.  Maybe they'll make up for me being gone so long.  Probably not but I bet you'll forgive me anyway.

Spring has really sprung around here.  As a matter of fact it actually has sprung right into summer.  It's over eighty degrees today and that is at least ten degrees above the point I start to whine about how hot it is.  I do NOT like the heat. (I know, a girl shouldn't live in Mississippi who doesn't like heat.)  Since it went from cool, it never got cold this year, to hot all the spring activity with the plants is in full show.  Here's a couple of shots in my yard. Which never, ever gets any attention from us.

This is the Azalea that is right outside my front door.  It is just covered up in blooms this year.  It really is very pretty looking like a big ole pink puffball right by the front walk.

This is the Bradford Pear that is right by the driveway.  It's an old tree and really huge.  I don't know how much longer we'll have it but it really puts on a show in the fall and spring.  The blooms are so pretty and delicate looking.  What you can't tell from a picture is this thing STINKS!  They are so pretty when they bloom and so stinky you can't get close enough to appreciate it.

And this last one doesn't look like much.  Just some little branches with some rather lackluster blooms.  But what it lacks now it will make up for in the summer when it is covered in fat juicy blueberries.  The plants really don't look like much ever but it's great to go out and eat something while standing in your yard.  Something that you grew from a tiny plant into food.

Has spring already sprung where you are or is winter still battering you?

Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss!