Disclaimer: There is not a drop of natural light that comes into the kitchen at any point during the day and it is a horrible room to photograph so bear that in mind.
I really hate our counter tops. The formica is in great shape but the color screams 1980 is calling and wants it's counter tops back. It's a greenish, sageish, sorta pale teal. UGLY.

It's a horrid color now that we have painted the walls with Benjamin Moore Dill Pickle. I love the wall color so I have been trying to decide what to do about the counter top color. Needless to say there is no budget for any type of new counter top. I've stewed about it for months now.
Today while toodling around the interweb I came across a product. After reading for a couple of hours, isn't it amazing how much time you can burn sitting in front of the puter, about said product I made a decision. Sometimes you just have to go right to the edge with no fear. I pulled myself together so I wouldn't scare anyone and ran out the door.
I went to the closest retailer listed on the companies website and got there right at 5. Apparently they close at 5 because as soon as I walked in the lights were turned off. Once the dude realized I was there, and I'm certain he was thinking "great it's 5 and the start of the weekend and this witch walks in wanting paint.", he was willing to answer the few questions I had. I guess my mind was pretty much decided before I walked in. This is what I purchased.
I ended up purchasing the chocolate brown. I don't want really dark counter tops but the Sicilian Sand looked too white in person. From reading on the website you can add colors as long as you use water based acrylics. So I plan to add a couple of stone like colors to lighten it up and give it more depth.
I'm going to an auction in the morning in search of a lamp that looks like it matches one I already have. Once I get home I plan to start cleaning and taping and practicing my sponging technique so I have a plan once I actually start painting. Hopefully I'll love it and it won't end up an epic fail. I figure for the price I'll give it a whirl. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
Love, Love, Kiss, Kiss!
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